Digital artwork  

As an artist, I want to find the point where realistic- and abstract art can be reconciled.  My soul is full of colors and I’m a person with a lot of emotions stages. So In my digital art is shines though that my hugh passion for portraits and people differences are my inspiration. 

Digital drawing

Drawing and Photography Combined


The illustration of the passage of time in form of the Renaissance distinct portraiture embossing.

Created through modern contemporary methods and abstract terms, inspired by the 20th century art of portraiture.


A modern illustration of Adam, the first man created by God. Adam had three kids Cain, Abel and Seth, which received children, grand-children and great-grandchildren. The man is portrayed as a later descendant of Adam. A man who has ancestors with great sin, since the expulsion of the Garden of Eden and the killing of Abel.

His brown tones show humility, humiliation and justice, due to the expulsion and banishment of his family in the Garden of Eden.


The illustration of a young Balthazar. How was one of the three kings who brought the gift of myrrh to Jesus the night he was born. This, as a symbol of the future death of a king.

Here, Balthazar is portrayed as a representative of the southern world.


Aphrodite meens “out of foam” and known to be a very seductive godess”

She was born from the foam of the sea, that arose when the blood from Uranus castrated genital fell into the sea.

Because of Aphrodites very seductive charisma, it is said that she played a big role in the Trojan War concerning the Hellenistic siege and capture of the city of Troy.


A more contemporary illustration of Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting Mona Lisa. This work illustrates a young woman in the late 20th century, with flat loose hair and nose piercing.

This work stands out because she is the only one in this series, who doesn’t have eye contact with the viewer and express a more inquiring/ seeking facial expressions.


Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist after you become an adult” - Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Three ages appears in the art history childhood, youth and old age, which is most often pictured in a pair of lovers, an old man, or in this case a child. These ages is seen as a representation of the past, present and future.

One line art

“Art is a line around your thoughts”

– quote Gustave Klimt


In Procreate